The Power of Random Acts of Kindness
National Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17, and it’s a good time to think about how small acts of kindness can positively impact your team’s well-being. Studies have shown that both the giver and the receiver of an act of kindness feel better afterward.
Let someone cut in line, pay for the coffee or lunch of a stranger or write a note to a friend who needs it.
1. Happiness
Scientists who study happiness know that acts of kindness—from buying a coworker coffee to volunteering for an organization you believe in—can boost your mood. But it’s not just the recipient who reaps the benefits: Researchers have found that those who give also benefit, with higher levels of life and job satisfaction two months later than those who don’t do kind things.
Acts of kindness can be large or small, and they don’t even have to cost money. For the most impact, experts recommend performing several acts throughout the week.
For some ideas, check out the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. It lists kindness ideas for work, family, animals, strangers, kids and seniors, among others. And don’t forget to treat yourself, too: Research shows that people who are nicer to themselves have better health.
2. Health
When we perform acts of kindness, our brains release oxytocin2, which boosts happiness and reduces stress. It also helps us see the world from a different perspective, which can help us feel more positive about our relationships.
It doesn’t have to be anything big — letting someone cut in front of you in traffic, putting money in an expired parking meter or buying the next person’s cup of coffee are all simple and effective ways to show kindness. In addition, they may inspire others to pay it forward, creating a chain reaction of generosity.
However, Grant says it’s important to know your limits. She explains that top givers are those who understand “how to be generous without burning out.” And a little bit of self-care goes a long way.
3. Relationships
An act of kindness is something that someone does for another person without expecting anything in return. It could be as simple as holding the door for a stranger or leaving a nice note in a library book.
When we’re kind to others, we feel good and it can affect our happiness levels. It also makes our relationships stronger. Research shows that people with happy relationships have lower stress and cortisol levels, which can lead to a longer life.
You can show acts of kindness to your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues. It’s easy to make it a part of your daily routine by holding doors open for other people or sending a thoughtful text message. It’s also a great way to teach your children about the power of kindness.
4. Career
Whether you’re a student, teacher, parent or worker, it’s important to keep in mind how the kindness of others can affect your happiness. This year, 2024, National Random Acts of Kindness Day falls on February 17th.
It’s an unofficial holiday that encourages people to commit selfless acts of kindness. The idea is to “pay it forward” and inspire others to do the same.
This could be as simple as paying for the person in line behind you at the coffee shop, leaving a note of encouragement on someone’s desk or volunteering at an animal shelter. There are also several websites that offer ideas and lists of kindness prompts for students, teachers, parents, families and other groups. These are great tools for making a positive difference in our lives.
5. Spirituality
For many people, spirituality is a central part of their daily lives. They may practice a religion or simply use different techniques and rotuines to help them feel grounded, focused and happier.
Research has found that being spiritual, in whatever form it takes, can improve our happiness. It can also make us more resilient to life’s challenges, such as stress, illness and grief.
A simple way to show your spiritual side is to perform a random act of kindness. This could be as simple as sending a handwritten letter to someone you care about, or as complex as helping a neighbor with their car. These acts of kindness can create feelings of warmth, which in turn releases oxytocin that lowers blood pressure. Whether you’re religious or not, these small gestures can greatly affect those around you.